GIF Maker is a simple online GIF maker and toolset for basic animated GIF editing. Here you can create, resize, crop, reverse, optimize, and apply some effects to GIFs. This is the best way to make GIF files using images on the GIF maker tool. It’s fast and easy to make GIF file online using lots of images on GIF maker tool. So, select lots of images that you want to make GIF on GIF maker tool. Using this online GIF maker tool you can make your GIF.
What can I do with this gif maker?
What media sources can I make gifs from?
Gif Editor Online
You can:- Make GIFs from Youtube,Vimeo,and many other video websites. Just copy and paste the video URL.
- Make GIFs from videos on your phone or computer. You can upload almost any video format to make a GIF,but .mp4 videos are best because then you can instantly preview your GIF with our video player.
- Make GIFs from other GIFs. Just paste the URL into the input above!
- Make GIFs from pictures or other images, just click the Images-to-GIF tab!
Can I save my GIFs online?
Gif Editor Free
Why is there an '' watermark on my GIFs?!?
The Imgflip watermark helps other people see where the GIF was created. We really don't want your GIFsto look bad though, so we made it as small as possible while still being readable, and it will noteven show up on tiny GIFs. You can disable the watermark completely with a Pro account,if you really need to have watermark-free images.
Gif Editor Cut
Why does my GIF not animate on Facebook / other social media website?
Facebook will sometimes decide to animate gifs, and sometimes not. For best chances, make sure the width and heightof your gif are both larger than 200px, since Facebook tends to not animate small gifs. Sometimes you have toclick share, then exit out of the window, and then click share again. Other social media websites may havesimilar issues, because they can decide to handle GIFs however they want, outside of our control.
If your .gif fails entirely to upload to another website or computer program but it works fineon Imgflip, then the site you're uploading to may not fully support GIFs. You can sometimes fix this bychanging the Filesize Optimization to 'Basic' instead of 'Advanced' in the More Options menu of our GIF Maker.This can increase file size but makes your .gif work with more programs. Shopify in particular has a bugclaiming that optimized GIFs are corrupted.
Video to GIF
Which video formats can I upload?
Some of the popular supported video formats are flv, avi, mov, mp4, mpg, mpeg,wmv, 3gp, asf, swf, ogg, h264, rm. But there are hundreds more...
Gif Editor Mac
How can I make my GIFs higher quality?
Make sure the video resolution is 480P or higher for any videos you upload.GIFs will generally look great up to a width of 640px when using 480p video. Framerate (FPS) is also very important- a high framerate (above 15 FPS) will make sure your GIF plays smoothly. Imgflip Pro will allowyou to create even higher quality GIFs by raising the limits on various settings.
How do I put audio/sound on my GIFs?
Imgflip supports sound on gifs made from any video that has audio! To enable, you'll need to be using anImgflip Pro account, because our server costs are higher when using audio.Once enabled, your visitors to will be able to toggle audio on and off using the sound button.
Images to GIF
How do I make a GIF from images?
- Upload images. Click the upload button and select as many images as you want.To select multiple images you can use SHIFT, CMD, or CTRL, or tap and hold if using a mobile device.You can always add more later!
- Arrange images. Drag and drop the images you selected until you get them ordered correctly.The Sort Images button will sort your images alphabetically (click twice for reverse order).
- Adjust options. Adjust the Delay until the speed of your GIF looks normal. Remember to check 'private' if you're not going to share it online.
- Generate. After making your gif, you can download it and share the link with friends. If you're logged in, your gif will be stored on your images page.
What can I do with this gif maker?
You can make slideshows from photos you've taken, create custom animations from your own creative drawingsor clipart, or stitch together frames that you've extracted from a video. Endless possibilities! Our image-to-gif maker allows you to make unlimited high quality animated gifs online for free,with lots of customization options, and with no limit on the number of images.
Which image formats can I upload?
The gif maker currently supports PNG, JPEG, GIF, and any other image formats supported by your web browser,often including SVG, WebP, TIFF, BMP, and more.
Something not working? Do you have suggestions to make the gif maker better? send feedback!
For permanent links you can use:
Cropped image:
GIF cropping tool
A simple online tool for cropping and slicing animated GIF, WebP, and PNG images.
Just upload the GIF and use your mouse or trackpad to select the part of the image you want to crop/trim.
You can also fill in the desired dimensions (in pixels) manually.
You can select one of the predefined aspect ratios: square, 4:3, 16:9, 3:2, 2:1, golden ratio, or freely select the area you want to crop.
It also features the Autocrop option, for trimming off transparent pixels around the image.
If there seem to be any problems with the output GIF file (missing frames/strange artifacts/flickering), try to select a different option under the 'Crop with' dropdown. There may be differences, depending on the compression used for the source image. More about this problem.
The cropped image will generally have a smaller file size than the original unless you select the coalesce option which may undo previous optimizations and increase file size. So It's generally advised to avoid this option unless you experience problems with the quality of the output GIF.
In addition to GIFs, this tool can also be used to crop animated WebP and animated PNG (APNG) files or any other images, photos, and illustrations.
If you want to cut GIF animation duration instead of image dimensions, you should use our GIF length cut tool instead.