Dragon Age Keep Sync Troubleshooting > How to Import Your World State from the Dragon Age Keep into Dragon Age: InquisitionPlease read this page all the way through before beginning. You need:1. An internet connection Note: The only time you have to be connected to the internet for Dragon Age: Inquisition game play is when you first start a game and want to import a world state from the Keep.. or if you want to play multiplayer :) For single player gameplay, it is not necessary once you import your world state. You might want to go online occasionally when you play so that the game can send your progress to the Keep and update your Inquisition world state, but that's entirely up to you.
When you launch the game, do you get a message that you are not connected to the Origin servers? This means you are either not connected to the internet or there is another problem preventing your PC or console from logging in to the Dragon Age Servers. This problem needs to be fixed before going any further. - Verify your PC or console is connected to the internet. Check all internet cables (it helps to unplug and replug) if you are hard wired, or wireless connection if you are wireless. See if you can log in to another game or to another online area to verify connectivity.
- If you're on Xbox, try clearing your cache. On the Xbox 360 go into settings and there's an option for this (I think it's in the hard drive or system section), and on the Xbox One completely unplug your console for 30+ seconds then plug it back in.
- Dragon Age and Dragon Age Keep usually post on Twitter when there are login issues, so check there: @DragonAge@DragonAgeKeep
2. Your console account and Origin need to be linkedSee the steps below to verify this and fix if they are not: - Do your Origin and Xbox Live / PSN account emails match?
- Is there any chance Origin could be confused as to which Xbox gamertag or PSN ID it's attached to.. like if you've recently changed your Origin or Xbox email address or changed your gamertag?
Also, make sure of the following: - Go into your Xbox or Playstation settings and make sure it's set to automatically log you in to the game, and double check the gamertag or PSN ID in use by your console (I know this sounds silly, but I've had a few people where this was the issue)
then - Log in to the Keep
- On that first page after login, it will show you which gamertag and/or PSN ID is linked to your Origin account. Check the 'Connected Personas' section.
If they are not linked, do the following: To link the two accounts via Origin: - Launch the Origin program on your computer or open if you already have it launched.
- Log in and open the Friends list (upper right corner) or click Friends menu > Show Friends List
- Click Add a Friend at the bottom
- On the window that comes up, on the left will be 'Import Friends' with an Xbox Live and PSN button.
- Click the one you need to link and follow the instructions
- Log out of your console, then back in.
...and 2a. You need to be logged in! Log in to your Origin account on the PC or console.
3. An exported World StateIt is not enough to create your world state and save it. You need to explicitly export it for use in Dragon Age: Inquisition. There is a lot of helpful text in the Keep that shows up when you need to do this, but here it is step by step. If you are on a console, make sure your console is online and logged in during this export & import process. Open the right panel by clicking the world icon in the upper right of the screen: Click the 'Export to DA Inquisition' button and then 'Yes, Continue!' on the window that comes up. Do not worry about anything being actually overwritten - the only thing it is overwriting is what is in the export slot. There can only be one world state available for import into Inquisition at a time, but you can re-export as often as you like and it will overwrite the export slot every time. Make sure that world state is now listed in the lower right with a green check mark: Make a note of the time stamp it lists. Next: - Stay logged in to the Keep in your browser, log in to your console, and launch Dragon Age: Inquisition. (You don't have to stay logged in to the Keep at this point, but there is anecdotal evidence that this helps, and could also help avoid a bug where your world state's Hawke and Warden's portraits get replaced with the defaults.) Absolutely make sure to stay online with your PC/console during character creation.
- In Inquisition, start a new character.
- Choose your race, class, etc and when it asks if you would like to import a world state, choose Yes. This happens during character creation; it is not the Dragon Age Keep button in the Extras section of the game! That button only goes to an informational page and link to the Dragon Age Keep web site.
- At this point, the game will pull in the world state you just exported in the Keep, and it will show you the date/timestamp you made a note of.
- Make sure these match! If they do not match, either the Keep is having an issue, you have no internet connection, or the world state did not get exported properly (or a friend/family member is in your Keep account moving things around!). It's also possible your console is logging in with a different account or that your console account is not linked to your Origin ID. Go back through the steps and verify.
If you are having difficulty, feel free to send me an email and I'll try to help you get to the bottom of it. |
- Dragon Age Inquisition World State Import Crack Download
There is a world icon on the right hand side of tapestry click there should be your world state, with an import button click, if successful it will mention it and provide a green check mark. Fire up the game when creating a new game it will ask if you would like to import from keep, click yes and it should import what you sent out to the game. PAUSE THE VIDEO TO MAKE SURE YOU GET ALL THE STEPS AND FOLLOW MY LEAD. Save Game Editor: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/daitools/save-game-editor-t421.htmlI. I'm completely new to dragon age and don't have any real knowledge of the world. Would I gain anything or be missing out on anything if I import a custom world state or not. I don't really care about playing for a 'good' or 'bad' ending that might be affected by in. Just curious if it'll make a.
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I have a cracked pc version that cannot access Dragon age Keep. ... out to a save editor for dragon age inqusition that altered world history.. DA: Inquisition save import ... an offline save editor for Dragon Age: Inquisition so you can edit the world state to ... More posts from the CrackSupport community.. Dragon Age Inquisition World State Crack ->->->-> http://bltlly.com/12g9m4.. i downloaded and played a cracked version of Dragon Age: Origins, will i be able to import my saves if i BUY an original DA2? I hope not, you�.... For Dragon Age: Inquisition on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled 'Edited save not recognized by a cracked version ?'.. Dragon Age 2 for the most part is standalone, however the final few story beat sets up the state of the world as seen in Inquisition. There are also lots of DA2�.... CHEAT DESCRIPTION: Ok, so I'm one of those out there who has the cracked, offline version of Dragon Age Inquisition for�.... Dragon Age Inquisition Import Save Files. 2 ... I want those PCs fresh in my mind when I finally get to input my world state the first time. ... was that they're actually not legally allowed to crack them open on the console versions.. 'Start New Game > Quickstart (default) or Create World State ... save world state to computer, play Dragon Age: Inquisition and load the world state. ... Ask the guy who eventually cracks it and releases the pirated copy to the�.... So, I even cracked open my EA / Origins account, made a new world state using the Keep, did the upload process - and the Xbox One shows only the Default�.... Dragon Age Inquisition World State Crack >>> http://bytlly.com/184sre a757f658d7 1 Jan 2016 . Ok so I'm one of those out there who has the�.... Dragon Age 4 The Dread Wolf Rises origin Crack Status - Crackwatch ... sends you an email and phone notification when the games you follow get cracked! ... It's crazy how well Dragon Age: Inquisition's world and graphics hold up to this day.. Dragon Age Inquisition World State Import Cracked. Only about a week left until game release. There isn't much new content so instead I will�.... Ok so I'm one of those out there who has the cracked offline version of Dragon Age Inquisition for the pc. The problem I get into (and I know I'm�.... TAGS Agnposts, premade world edit, sunset valley edit, sims 3 caw, sims 3 create a world tool, ... Terraria build: Dragon Age Inquisition ... I've just realised 'autochorissexual' is probably the closest word to my state and. ... TAGS dragon age inquisition, my fanfic, crack, crack crossover, Warhammer 40.000, April Fool's Day. 0.. ... DRM on Dragon Age: Inquisition, has been cracked - SiliconANGLE. ... referred to as �enuvo DRM�� in gaming media, Denuvo states that its�.... Dragon Age Inquisition Update 1-10 3DM ncludes DLCs Crack CPY This post edited: .Dragon ... Getting your world state into Dragon Age: Inquisition is easy.. How to Install Dragon Age: Inquisition + 3DM Final Crack v2 ... There is however an offline save editor for Dragon Age: Inquisition so you can edit the world state�.... Dragon Age 4 boss repeatedly tweets 'Dragon Age' with ... It's been about five years since Dragon Age: Inquisition came out and left us with the current state of affairs in Thedas. ... Whatever works, as long as we get to crack that egg. In a world of uncertain teases and trolling, at least you can count on some�.... ... November 18, 2014. Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 2 + {3DM Crack} (Size: 379.75 MB) ... Fixed a few DA Keep world state import reactivity checks. Fixed a few�... cdc97e7522